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  • "I am all for distinct boundaries between the art forms, but listen to the CD, and if you' re interested then do it..." - this is what the poet Lina Nikolakopoulou told me when she proposed I direct the show for Alkistis Protopsalti's latest album San Ifestio pou Ksipna ("Like a Volcano that Stirs"), for which she had written the lyrics. I am glad I did do the show, even though I was haunted by guilt that I was selling out. Getting them to stage the show in a theatre (The Municipal Theatre of Piraeus) was a victory.

    Working with Alkistis was surprisingly pleasant, and she proved to be a very capable leading lady - the entire production rested on her shoulders. I really liked the first 35 minutes of the show. I tested my style of images upon a broader audience, and they worked. I created an androgynous persona for Alkistis, turning her into an expressionist figure set within a black-and-white, strictly-designed environment. Puppet-like and detached movements worked in stark contrast to her passionate singing. She proved to be powerful and charming within this framework. She was always enthusiastic, disciplined and dedicated, just like a child.

    The show was a smash hit that ran for two seasons, touring both in Greece and internationally. This proved useful for my professional life.
For the album San Ifestio pou ksipna ("Like a Volcano that Stirs")
In collaboration with Lina Nikolakopoulou
100 minutes
Première: 5 February 1998, at the Municipal Theatre of Piraeus (Piraeus - Greece)

Direction - Choreography: Dimitris Papaioannou
Music Script: Lina Nikolakopoulou
Music Direction: Nikos Antypas
Set - Costume Design: Lili Pezanou
Lighting Design: Andreas Bellis